Alright, I admit it, I am pregnant! Today I am 14 weeks 4 days. I kept the news under pretty tight wraps until over 13 weeks. This has been a scary pregnancy and I didn't want to put myself through the agony of telling anyone I had miscarried. I'll explain: at about 6 weeks, I was sitting between ward conferences when I felt something similar to when my water broke with Carson. I rushed to the bathroom to find that I was experiencing severe bleeding. After hurrying home and receiving a BEAUTIFUL priesthood blessing, I was sad, but felt okay about everything. I called my doctor and was told to take it easy and pay attention to the bleeding. "Check for clots and tissue". Clots and tissue never came, and the bleeding eventually stopped. I figured time would tell if I had lost the baby. I decided to take a pregnancy test the following Friday and sure enough, that second little line, was READILY there. The following Wednesday (a week and half later), I had a doctors appointment. He did an ultrasound and there was a little bean with a good heartbeat. Blessings! I then had some pretty good spotting two weeks later. I made it a matter of faith at this point, prayed and hoped for the best, and once again, it stopped. At 13 and a half weeks, I had another doctors appointment whereat he found a strong little heartbeat. He didn't even have to move the sonogram thingy around at all! That made me feel really hopeful. So with all that said, we are THRILLED for baby number two. I have no clue what we are having because this pregnancy has been SO different. Here are a few of the ways:
- Heartburn started WAY sooner than last time
- I got sicker sooner, and it has lasted longer, but it hasn't been quite as bad
- I have been able to somewhat control the nausea with food...uh oh
- The breakouts started sooner, but have lightened up a bit, whereas last time they just got worse and worse
- I am WAY more tired. If I don't get 10 hours of sleep a night, I can't function
- My uterus has been more tender. Last time I didn't feel it at all
- That whole bleeding thing...
- I am not necessarily emotional, but I cry at EVERYTHING remotely touching.
You get the picture. I do need to thank a few people (who did know of my condition) for their care and willingness to step in and help at any time. They have truly been angels. Jess, Emily, Mom; I love you!
1 month ago
Congratulations Mel! What an exciting time. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. And who knows, maybe this time you'll get to keep your hair (previous post haha).
Congrats Crocketts!
Isn't always wonderful to have the priesthood and the gospel in your corner?!
I'm glad to know that everything turned out okay and Baby 2 is doing fine.
Congratulation Mel!!! It is good to hear everything is great. If you don't get 10 hours of sleep, just send Carson over and he would play with Alex so you could sleep.I am feeling much better,so I will not mind watching Carson.
Congratulations Melanie! That is so exciting! We miss being in our old ward:( Hope everything is going great!
congrats! Kids are so fun!
Melanie!!! I'm so excited for you! You're on baby #2! When are you due and how far apart are you and Jenn? That's cool that y'all get to be prego at the same time. I wish you luck and so glad that things have turned out just fine. Love ya!
P.S. The team I coach is headed for a qualifier in Denver...I leave in 4 hours. Think lucky thoughts for us :)
Congratulations!!! And we were just catching up with the one baby. You two are hard to keep up with. J/K I am glad that everything has worked out despite the worried moments you have already experienced. We will be thinking of you. Congrats!
Congratulations!! That's awesome news. I hope things go well from here on out.
Congratulations!!! I am 15 weeks and 5 days our babies will be super close in exciting! And again congratulations!
CONGRATS! Soooo happy for you guys! Carson is going to make such a great big brother Ü
Congrats! 14 weeks- how exciting! I'm betting on a girl this time, if only because you say you're more emotional. As for being tired... well, I'm not surprised. I have much admiration for anyone going through pregnancy who also has to be a mommy.
Congrats! I hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes well! I had a similar experience with this last pregnancy. I really hope that yours is better than mine was!
Exciting news, hope you start feeling better soon!!
We're thrilled for you guys!! Having two is wonderful...and yes...I was really tired during pregnancy #2. It's not as easy to lay down and "rest".
Congratulations, guys! That is awesome for you and Dave, Melanie! And the baby will have a cousin almost the same age :)
You're probably having a girl this time since your symptoms are so different. That's my guess!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys!
Congratulations Melanie! I'm so excited for you! I'm sorry that the beginning was rough. It'll all be worth it in the end. We miss being able to see you guys. Carson is getting so big. Hope all is well! :D
Oh, how scary but wonderful at the same time. I will certainly keep you in my prayers! Love you guys!
Congratulations guys! I'm glad things are going so well. Bleeding is always scary. Carson is such a cutie and I'm sure the next one will be, too. :)
Hooray! Congratulations!
Congrats! How exciting! We miss you guys so much!
Congrats on baby #2! How exciting! I'm sorry you have had such a rough first trimester. I hope the second and third are easier on you.
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