Sunday, June 22, 2008

David comes to BYU!!!

This weekend we moved David into Heritage Halls for a summer term at BYU. It made me laugh because there were about 10 of us there to help but all David had was two suitcases and a partially empty box. I literally had 10 times that amount when I came to school.
So I wanted to get a picture of David and Ben together so when I had them stand together, this is what I then I tell them to be serious and they took me too literally.
After threatening them with their lives, this is what I got.
Jenn and I were on unpacking duty.
Dad was on meeting the RA duty.
Mom was on Carson duty and Richard was on cheeleading duty.
Dave was on "life of the party" duty.
Ben was on... juggling duty?? (You think I am kidding, but he sat an juggled probably 75% of the time we were there.)Carson was on pacifier duty.


Vance Fager Family said...

Welcome to BYU David! I liked my job the best, even though Ben was very entertaining!

Russell and Jillian said...

Your comments crack me up Mel!