Sunday, November 3, 2013


My little Drake is full of life. He is hilarious to say the least. He always has a twinkle in his eye and a bounce in his step. If music turns on, you can be sure Drake will be shakin' his bum for all he's worth. It has been fun bonding with him as my little helper now that Carson is at school every day all day. Drake likes to help and is very, very tender with Bowen. He is most certainly my biggest baby lover.
 Drake's job while making 'Carson stew' was to snap the big green beans into smaller pieces and put them in. He took his job very seriously.
 This boy aint afraid of nobody! While Carson liked playing football, Drake LOOOOVED it. The big brothers on Carson's football team would play with each other during each of the games. Drake would put some flags on, elbow his way into the huddle, and throw down with the biggest and baddest of them all. I should mention what sweet boys these older brothers were. They would ALWAYS let him play and even let him think he was the biggest, fastest and strongest.

 Drake is always lookin' for a party. It was spirit week at Carson's school and Drake made sure to dress up every day as well. Here they are on 'mismatch day'.

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