Sunday, April 10, 2011

Belly Shots

28 weeks pregnant

31 1/2 weeks pregnant

**I am currently 32 1/2 weeks pregnant and had someone tell me today I was "looking ready"... the only thing I can figure is that she was looking at me from behind. I know I hide the baby well, but my bum certainly looks bigger :).


Joanna said...

I look like a whale compared to you! You do hide the pregnancy well. It's fun to see all the pictures you posted. Love the deck. That's a big project. I'm interested in hearing about what you plan for the rest of the backyard.

Emily said...

It's almost frustrating how tiny you are- and on your third! Great job on the deck! I hope the bedroom-sharing transition gets better soon.

Gina said...

I'm 12 weeks and about the same size as your 31 weeks picture. Not fair.