Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good Day

This morning Dave and I went to the Stake Offices for an interview with what turned out to be the entire Stake Presidency. When the last member followed us in and shut the door I thought, "well, I guess he won't be assistant ward clerk after all..."
We had a great talk wherein Dave was extended the calling of 1st Counselor in the Bishopric. Exciting!
I think my favorite part of the whole ordeal is that at 26 years old my handsome hubby gets to be a High Priest. Everyone always needs a good Sunday nap right? :)

Today was also the Primary Program. I was excited and nervous. I served as the Primary Chorister for 6 months before I was called into Young Womens. I taught those kids every song except Come Follow Me. I was anxious to see how they did. I already knew they would do fabulously because the chorister following me has been phenomenal but I still felt like each and every one of them was my own child.
I got to sit on the stand and sing with them and even sing a duet with Christina (the chorister). It was a descant to I Belong To The Church of Jesus Christ. She and I stood on either side of the podium...I loved it. I LOVE singing with her because she is FABULOUS and it makes me feel like I sound better than I actually do :). I always love the Primary Program.

On top of all that I made rice pudding for dinner and I just love me a warm and creamy rice pudding. Yes, it was a good day!


Emily said...

Oh boy! Good thing you've done this before, it will be a piece of cake for both of you, right? Best of luck during sacrament meeting with your two adorable boys! Any holiday plans to visit Idaho? We're still determined to see you sometime. Also, is this the Christina I know? I'm kind of assuming so since I'm pretty sure she's in your ward and I know she's musically talented...

Gabrielsen Family said...

What a thrilling oopportunity. We are so proud of both of you.

Laura said...

Exciting! And well done on the program Mel!