Carson was assigned last week to say the prayer in Primary yesterday.
We prepped him as usual. "You get to say the prayer in Primary next week! How exciting!" I exclaimed to him last Sunday.
"Yep!" Was about all I heard back from him.
As the week went on, I would remind him on occasion. As the reminders continued he declared to us, "I don't need any help."
"Are you sure?" I asked
"Yeah, I can do it by myself," he confidently stated.
Thinking his story might change, I leaned over at the end of sacrament meeting yesterday to tell him this was the big moment.
He wasn't phased in the least, nor did his story change.
Dave and I stood in the back of the Primary room waiting for opening exercises to begin. We sang the opening song, then it was Carson's turn. He walked right up the podium, and stepped confidently up on the step.
"Do you need help?" he was asked.
"No, I can do it," he whispered back.
He folded his arms, bowed his head, closed his eyes, spoke clearly into the microphone and so sweetly delivered this little prayer:
"Dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this day. We thank thee that we can be at church. Help us to sing in Primary. We thank thee for our blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
We were proud.
5 days ago
Thanks for sharing, he is a wonderful little boy... Love you all... Grandpa, Grandma and Tine
SO sweet!! you should be very, very proud of that little guy!! i love it!
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