*warning* this won't be a positive post so if you are looking for a ray of sunshine; check back later.
I have had my fill of charging dogs. I walk every day, it's usually in my neighborhood so it's not like I am trudging through rural country towns throwing rocks at angry canines as I go. Let me give you the history:
1. Sometime early spring-ish, I was enjoying a walk - especially since I was mid-pregnancy, feeling good, and breathing in some cool air. I noticed a garage that wasn't usually open on the opposite side of the street. The door that led into the house was also open. It was then that a large German Shepherd came barreling out the door and garage. Its hair stood on end, its lips were curled back revealing large, sharp teeth, and it was mad. After all, I was walking on the opposite sidewalk...20 yards from it's house. It tore across the street and started to leap when I screamed and did what any pregnant woman would do...I wet my pants.
Fortunately the owners heard the dog begin its attack and came running out as well. They managed to call the dog off before it actually bit me.
I simply stood there, shaking in my boots. I feebly said to the owners, "your dog charged me". And that was it.
(I should probably mention that as a seven-year-old girl, I was attacked by a German Shepherd in a park. I still have the scars...)
2. Last Wednesday I was on an early morning walk. It was around 6:30 and at this time of year, it is still pretty dark outside. This time, I was walking down the middle of the road. Because my knee is so finicky, I need as flat a surface as possible, and that is the best I can do. I was at the tail end of my walk when out of the murkiness I hear a dog snarling and charging me. I could see it's outline as it bee-lined in my direction.
This dog had gotten out as its owner has opened the front door. I braced myself and prepared to kick the dog. Yet again, the owner called it off just in time. I was a little more fired up this go-around and rather boldly expressed to the owner how scary it is to be charged. She kept rattling on about "doesn't bite...just charges...actually a really nice dog...".
My response was, "his hair is up, he is baring his teeth, and he came off your property just to challenge me; it's scary and I don't like it one bit. How am I supposed to know he won't bite me when it is clear an angry dog is charging me in the dark?!" You get the idea.
3. The very next day; sometime in the afternoon... I had the baby and we were taking a warm afternoon stroll while Dave and the older two boys slept. I was actually on the sidewalk this time passing various houses and cars when all of the sudden two large dogs shot around either side of a mini-van parked in a driveway. They snapped and snarled me right off the sidewalk. I screamed bloody murder and jumped out of their way. The owner was standing in the open garage. More of the same, lame excuses; "they will run right up to you but won't bite." Actually, that was all she could say over and over again. By this time, I was down right fired up. " I don't CARE if the dogs aren't going to bite me; they SHOULDN'T be CHARGING ME! I am doing NOTHING WRONG and when your dogs come at me like that is it SCARY!
"Well...well...well...they don't actually bite..."
"I know, I know...it's my problem, not yours" was all she said in the end. After all, it doesn't make much sense to argue with someone who has been scared to death, isn't at fault in ANY way, and could call animal services on you.
My nerves are shot, and one of these days I will get bit or attacked all over again which, will only perpetuate my fear. HELP!! PLEASE tell me what to do! Do I carry a stick?! A Baseball bat?! Are there dog tasers?! What is the best way to protect myself from these scary advances/attacks?
*As a side-note; I think my children are terribly ill. They went down for their nap today without any problem. No wardrobe changes, throwing books, jumping off their beds, hysteric laughing and bodily functions, or ripping curtains out of the wall (again...and again). Just sweet, blissful sleep after all of 5 minutes. Can I get a hallelujah?
5 days ago
I don't think there is any shame in carrying something to defend yourself. I'm a dog lover, but am not a fan of misbehaved, untrained dogs. The owners need to take responsibility and if they don't, then I say you have every right to do so. However, those crazy people will probably make up some story about you charging the dog so I guess you have to be safe. Pepper spray maybe? :) Also - I wouldn't be afraid to call animal services! You go Melanie!
Eric has this problem when he is out running. He carries pepper spray with him and has actually sprayed at a couple dogs before. He likes to yell at owners too. He also called animal control on a dog in our neighborhood once and they were amazing at taking care of the issue. They talked to the owner then called Eric back to update him on what they told the owner. Basically if it happened again Eric could call and the dog would be classified as vicious and they'd have all sorts of consequences. I love dogs, but I firmly believe that they should be well-trained. The owners that claim their dog will never bite can never actually be sure that is true. You never know what a dog will do, trained or not. Good luck!!!
I am not a fan of big dogs for that reason: they are scary! I think the pepper spray is a good idea, but I also think it is wise to call animal control. If it happens to you, it probably happens to others as well and needs to be addressed. At least in the German Shepherd case. Sheesh! I'm sorry for you. That would scare me so badly.
You've had a lot of bad experiences with dogs! German Shepherds are especially scary. There are a lot of big dogs around here, but luckily I've only seen them behind fences. However, there are some very territorial Chihuahuas a couple of streets away from us that chase you down the street.
By the way, I want to call you. The timing just hasn't been good the last few days. But soon I'll be in touch...
I think it's ridiculous that the owner's claim their dog would "never bite". How do they know? If the dog is in attack mode and thinks you are a threat, why wouldn't it bite you? Obviously the dog is not very well-trained or he/she wouldn't be charging you when you are just walking down the street! I freely admit that our lab is kind of a crazy handful which is why I NEVER let him into the front yard without a leash. I think a lot of dog owners are kind of in denial about their dogs.
Sorry you had to deal with so many scary situations, I'm glad you let the owners know you were upset.
YIKES! i don't have any suggestions... maybe find a new road to walk down??? that's super scary!
good luck!
I totally feel the same way as you Melanie! I have had so many dog issues while I am out running. Sometimes I am by myself and sometimes I am pushing the kids but either way I do not want a dog running up to me!! I think maybe I will get some pepper spray, and maybe you should too! Goodluck!
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