Wednesday, June, 1st I had a doctors appointment which I mentioned in my previous post. I was encouraged as I left there hoping the doctor was actually right; that I would deliver before the week was out. I continued my day as normal; took care of my beautiful boys, cleaned house, prepared dinner, etc.
That evening Dave and I got the boys in bed and cleaned up. All the while I continued to have more of the same contractions I had been experiencing for just over a day by then. I decided I would rather get a good nights rest again than have a baby at that very moment. I laid down at about 8:00 expecting them to slow as they had the evening before.
By 9:00 I recognized that they weren't slowing, but weren't any worse either.
At around 10:00 Dave started to time my contractions as they seemed to be getting closer together and intensifying somewhat.
I decided to hop into the tub to relax and REALLY test myself. If the contractions eased--false alarm.
Just the process of getting myself into the bath gave me a whole slew of contractions all on top of each other. With this new information, Dave started making some calls. He dialed our doctor, babysitter, doula, and famililes and put them all on red alert.
In between the time that I hopped (or rather lumbered and rolled) into the tub, and the doula arriving, I was able to relax quite a bit, and my contractions were much more bearable in the warm, soothing water. I started saying to Dave, "what if this isn't it?! I will be SO embarrassed if this is a false alarm. My mentality was, at this point I still felt pretty stinkin' good. Yeah, the contractions were a bit painful, but this was nothing like I had known. Labor as I knew it was miserable and immediate contractions starting at two minutes apart and very, very painful.
The after hours doctor who would be in contact with my OB even said, "well, if your pattern keeps up for another hour, you should probably head into the hospital and I will let your doctor know."
...back to the great white whale swimming in the bathtub...
Between 10:30 and 11:00 our doula showed up. Dave and I decided when she did we would head in. I managed to heft myself out of the tub, put a few clothing items on, say thanks to our babysitter (who lives next door so came right on over when we gave the word), and get in the car.
My contractions were now regular and strong. I knew this was the big show. We showed up at the hospital sometime around 11:30 and they hooked me up for monitoring right away. I was currently at 5 cm and after just two contractions they took me off the monitor to transfer me to the delivery room because they were convinced I was actually in labor...they never seem to believe me. I was a little deflated at "only" being a 5 since the harder half of labor was still to come. Or at least in my history I still had a while left and a whole lotta pain to go.
Once in the delivery room they put the Hep Lock in while I labored on the birthing ball/hunched over the end of the bed.
While the nurse was attending to me we had a conversation that kinda freaked me out.
"Let me know when you start to feel pressure and we will call the doctor and tell her to come in," she said.
"It doesn't take me that long to push out the baby," I said. "By the time she gets here it will be too late! You need to call her when I am like an 8."
"Well, we have an on call doctor if we need," she replied.
I kept thinking how by the time she would be called Dave would be the one delivering the baby.
I got in the shower as soon as they let me. I was in there for no more than 1o or so minutes when I felt a big hiccup from the baby; or what felt like one. I knew my water had broken.
The nurse checked me again and told me I was at an 8...wait...what? An 8?!?! There was no way, labor hadn't been TOO bad and we had only gotten then a half an hour ago.
"I could kiss you! Call the doctor!" I blurted out. This was great news.
I wanted to continue laboring in the shower but upon seeing blood my doula encouraged me to get back on the bed and ready to go because we were close.
She was right. But this was when it got really hard. Now that the pain was no longer dispersed and cushioned by my waters, it hurt. Bad. Again.
I was having a hard time doing the interval breathing (ask me about it and I'll tell you), and wasn't out of control, but didn't think I would be able to last much longer...then I felt the bearing down and urge to push. What a relief!
"I need to push!" I moaned/demanded.
"Don't." Was the reply I got.
"I can't help it; I have to!"...and so I did.
I heard them rapidly getting the on call doctor in the room and was relieved when I saw him walk in.
As I recall from labor with Carson and Drake all I could feel was to push at this point. I didn't really feel any pain, I really only felt to push and push hard, and enjoy it.
This was different; it hurt. I felt the bearing down, but not near to the extent I was used to. Why would I though? Everything else about this pregnancy, labor and delivery was so far different.
The pain was bad and the only way to alleviate it was to push with all I had.
I pushed through two contractions with him in the room, all the while asking and begging for some affirmation they could see the baby coming.
With just two short contractions remaining, I heard my chipper doctor walk into the room and quickly put her gloves on.
A couple minutes later, Brooks was born at exactly 1:00 am pn June 2nd.
The cord was wrapped all around his torso and is believed to be the reason he didn't descend thus putting me into labor sooner. Fortunately, while it was over each shoulder and had him strapped up like a skydiver, it was not around his neck at all.
They immediately put him on my chest. He was warm, slimy, covered in blood and white goop, and was so perfect I could hardly stand it. He cried like a champion immediately. It was magical.
He weighed 7 lbs 14 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. He has a full head of dark hair and looks very much like a Crockett boy.
I tore, but not too bad. (I don't even feel it when I do...all I know is it's over!!). I pushed for about 10 minutes total.
I did a couple of unorthodox things that have worked out really well for me.
1- I went without meds (I've done this before but since it's not as "normal" I figured I'd list it)
2 - I had them leave the cord unclamped for a number of minutes. I wanted the baby to get as much blood volume as possible.
3 - I refused Pitocin after birth. This one was the biggest "fight" but I am REALLY glad I did it. My uterus did exactly what it was supposed to all by itself, in fact, it shrunk/is shrinking so quickly each person that pushed on it made some sort of comment. Because of this, my after labor contractions haven't been nearly as painful. It is supposed to get worse with each child, but because of the Pitocin with my previous labors this time has been the least painful.
All in all this was my easiest labor. By far. It is always a miracle. I am grateful for all the love and support shown.
Brooks is a wonderful and beautiful. He is certainly meant to be in our home and we could not be more happy he is here.
2 weeks ago
Congratulations Mel!
What a perfect birth story! Congratulations! Did you find the doula was a big help? I've thought about it but never had a real one (I had a friend "stand in" as an unofficial one for C's birth).
I love hearing people's birth stories so thanks for sharing! Glad you are both healthy and well.
I LOVE this story, Melanie :) I'm so glad you were able to choose, and I hope it was the birth you wanted, even if it was tough at times. You are so awesome!
Great birth story! I too am curious about your thoughts on the doula, do you think you'll use one again?
While I had Hannah naturally (like you I just had a hep lock in place, just in case), the doctor did ask me if they could give me pitocin afterwards to help my uterus contract. I was taken a bit off guard, not anticipating the question, and said yes. You've inspired me to go without (unless there's a problem of course) next time. :-)
What a beautiful birth story! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations!
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