I will never have a cooking blog. There. I said it. I admire my friends who do. They are always fun to read and occasionally I'll use a recipe. I would love to pretend like I have the time (or desire) to do so myself, but who am I kidding. Here; you want a recipe? I'll do my best:
Mel's Mish-Mash
Soak and cook beans according to package directions
Throw 'em in a pot with some assorted meat
Add some onion
Maybe some garlic
Definitely some pepper
Put a can of diced tomatoes in too
Look in your pantry for whatever you can find - add that
Serving size - a small army (If you have a family of 4 like me, it should feed them for about....13 days)
*Be sure to buy nose plugs if you plan on sleeping that night...
Repeat each and every week
You're so welcome. Glad you all feel like you know how to cook for your families now.
5 days ago
Go Melanie! It makes me want to declare that I will "probably" never have a cooking or a sewing/crafts blog for the very same reasons and it's okay. :)
At least you are soaking and cooking beans instead of getting them from a can. :)
Haha. At least you're creative about it. I love to cook, but I don't have the patience to sit down and write a creative blog post. Alas, the cooking blog is not for me either--although I love looking at them and trying recipes.
Melanie--you forgot the beauty of the beans from food storage--soak two days in warm water and cook a week or so however long it takes to get them soft.
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