There have been a number of difficult experiences lately that have directly affected me or my family lately. I am not going to sit and tell you my life is hard, nor that I wish these trials would go away. I do want to express how grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. Here are some of the lessons I have learned and deeply felt over the past couple of months:
1 - Don't take what you already have for granted
2 - Don't take your family for granted
3 - Don't take your child(ren) for granted
4 - You CAN financially afford whatever Heavenly Father thinks you need as well; He will provide
5 - It doesn't matter how alone you feel, the Savior is always in your mind and heart because he has already been there and done that
6 - The church is true despite it's members
7 - The timeline God has planned for you is better than the one you have planned for yourself
8 - God ALWAYS knows better
9 - More people care about you than you realize
10 - There is no room for me to be judgemental anymore; it is keeping me from who I need to be
11 - Don't sweat the small stuff
12 - It's ok to let the house get a little messy if it means spending time with family
13 - The Savior LIVES
14 - It's ok to mourn but it's not ok to be stagnant
15 - You can ALWAYS pray
16 - You sometimes have to do what God wants before He will give you what you want
I make it sound like I have been in the depths of despair, but I want to make it clear that is not the case. Sure, there have been difficult thing, but I and my little family are very happy and very well taken care of. It's just nice to reminded every now and again that God is in control.
5 days ago
this is so true. Trusting the Lord and remembering that He is in control is something that has been hard for me throughout this pregnancy. I know the He knows what He is doing. We just have to have faith.
I love that post. Melanie, you are so awesome. I just love checking your blog...
That was totally inspirational! You're beautiful inside and out! Ü
#6 is SO true! I'm going through a whole lot of that right now. You're awesome Melanie!
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