So if you ask me; my belly looks incredibly odd. The view that I have looking down on my own belly isn't that bad. It looks round just like any other pregnant lady. However, when Dave took these pictures last night, I just about choked when I saw them... I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this...

I don't want to make it sound like I am upset or anything, because I am doing super well! Oddly shaped or not, I am grateful for my healthy baby. Even with being sick, I feel like Heavenly Father has blessed me with a wonderful pregnancy. Even if it looks like I stuffed a serving bowl under my shirt to make it look like I am pregnant :).

And in this picture, even though you can't really tell I am pregnant, this is what I feel like...

Once again, I should probably go back and say that I didn't mean to make this post sound so negative. I really am doing better than I could ask for. We had a Dr. appointment yesterday and everything looks good. I am actually measuring at 33 weeks (fundal measurement), but lil' Carson is his huge old self (measuering at 36 weeks). So to really put that into perspective. My tummy is small (the pictures show that well), but my baby is HUGE meaning that he is absolutely crammed into my abdominal cavity. I feel like I have been poured full of cement and it has dried therefore, I can no longer bend, breathe, or even move for that matter. It's not that I have tons to lug around or anything, I just literally have a VERY hard time bending anywhere between the chest and my knees.
---I should probably mention also, that the dr. said we should stay here for Christmas (I will blog more on this later)---
You look so....pregnant! You don't look goofy! It looks like you are carrying low and more in your back than "out". You look like you are supposed to! Also, although your shirt is cute, it doesn't show your actual pregnant shape. So throw on another shirt that maybe has more structure to it and take pictures again. Maybe you won't feel so bad. (I LIKE your shirt, it looks good...not trying to make you feel bad here!)
They don't want you traveling around Christmas huh? You will have to let me know...we are staying around because our family is here! We got one, and only one, call on our car so far. If you know anyone that needs a new car please tell them about our car! We already bought another one so we need to see the Jeep!
Hahah I totally know how you feel. Whenever I see belly in the mirror or a picture I am always surprised how big it is. I am glad that everything is going good!!
I will echo that you do not look goofy! You look great for being that far along. I just hope the next few weeks don't drag on too much for you.
Great work.
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