I thought MidCityGal did a nice job with her post so I decided to copy it and hope that is alright! I also am bored to death at work. My boss' father passed away last night so he doesn't plan on coming in for the rest of the week, and I don't have anything to do so you might see a number of new posts this week :)
Q. When are you due?
A. January 15, 2008 - maybe. I say maybe because lil' baby Crockett is a big boy and is measuring large. Because of this and the fact that they want to get a better look at his head, the Dr. will do an ultrasound next appointment (31 weeks), so at that point, he might actually change my due date, or leave it the same depending on whether he things we will have a big baby, the baby will come early, or both!
Q. What is it?
A. I think I blew this one already. It is a bouncing baby boy, and I think I will reiterate BOUNCING, kicking, punching, rolling, and squirming.
Q. Do you have a name picked out?
A. Yes siree! We had a name picked out before we even started trying for a baby. First name: Carson Middle name: David
Q. How are you feeling?
A. FANTASTIC!! I was SOOO sick for the first 14 weeks that I didn't know if I wanted more than one baby. I said at that point that I would have to forget what "this" (vomiting every second of every day), is like before even thinking about having another baby. Well, I have already forgotten, and am grateful for that blessing. I am not very big now, and don't feel awkward or anything, so life is wonderful.
Q. Do you have any cravings?
A. I eat oddly enough as it is; I will refrain from telling you what some of the strange things I eat are, but I have had people ask me if I was pregnant for a VERY long time just because I like odd food and odd combos. There were a couple of months in there where all I wanted was sour food. And I don't mean a little zest, I mean I wanted to suck on a lemon, and I would put lemon juice on things. Warhead Candies were also much appreciated. My favorite was when my sweet husband would suprise me with sour patch kids just to be thoughtful.
Q. Are you nervous?
A. No. This is strange for me to say, because I ALWAYS thought I would be, but now that it's upon me, I am not nervous at all. They say ignorance is bliss, and I pray that that is NOT why I am calm about it all; I want to be informed and ready, not ignorant and naive. I should say that this last trimester/delivery is what I feel calm about.
I AM worried and nervous about everything after though. I don't worry about how I will take care of Carson, and that he will have enough to eat, or be warm enough etc, but I do worry that I will be inadequate as a mother. I fear for the young men in the world a little more than the young women. The temptation and prevalence of pornography and addictions are frightning. And, I know these things are generally more difficult for boys than girls. I want to be able to teach and train him in a way that he will be a righteous priesthood holder and "like unto Moroni" in the battles of our day and age. And I want to teach him how to be in the world but not of the world. Because I know that even though I would love to lock him in a room full of scriptures, with pictures of Christ, General Conference DVD's, and soft music playing all the time, that probably wouldn't be the best thing. I want him to lead and be an example of what is good and right in this world. I want him to have a testimony. I fear that he won't reach his potential because I am not an expert mother, and haven't had the opportunity of a dry run once already. THAT is what makes me nervous. Thankfully, I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us, and as long as we do our best and have faith in Him; His plan will prevail and that is a comforting thought.
Q. What do you do with all of your free time right now?
A. Who said anything about free time and where can I get some?!?! I still work full time, and probably will until I have contractions. I am still the Relief Society President which takes up A LOT of my time, but my year is almost up (Can you believe it Ashley??? I sure can't). My uber-athletic husband plays MUCHO intramurals, also, now that I don't throw up all the time, I can maintain my house and feed my husband, and, I am trying to get everything ready for the baby. That leaves me with....8 hours a day to sleep.
Q. What is your delivery plan?
A. Well.... I want to do it naturally. In my perfect world where everything goes according to plan, I would like to deliver in a hospital but don't want an epidural and don't want to be induced. I am hoping that since my perfect world isn't terribly out of the ordinary or maybe I should just say I know it's a possibility, I would love for it to happen that way. My mom always delivered in a hospital, but never had an epidural with any of us. With my older sister, she was too far along by the time she got there. I was 90 minutes start to finish, and the only reason I took that long was because she had to use the restroom. I don't know why she didn't have one with my little sister. And since both my brothers were born in a small town in Montana, she didn't have the choice there; they simply didn't have them. So, no, I am not going for the mom of the year award, I am not afraid of needles, and I know that epidurals can be quite beneficial. But having had 7 knee surgies, and knowing what pain is (albeit less than labor and delivery pain), I think I can do it. I don't know any differently, and I know women used to go without epidurals all the time. Plus, I want all of my physical faculties; I want to feel the overwhelming urge and need to push. I don't want the baby to be groggy at all. I want to feel what I need to feel.
Now, if I get in there, and think that I am truly going to die, and that I can't make it one more moment, I suppose I will get one. I am not morally opposed to epidurals, and I think that if others want them, I am 150% supportive of their decision. I don't care what others want to do, and while I have a firm stance on what I want to do, I by no means think that my ideas are better than your ideas. I think every baby is a miracle, and as long as he comes healthy and happy, then I will be pleased with however that may be.
Q: Will you name any of your children David?
A: Since my husband will probably read this at one point or another, I will refrain from saying NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!! But since I can't say that, I will say, chances are slim :). I feel like David Crockett is a name that one in a BILLION could actually pull off with confindence and a smile. Since my husband just happens to be that one-in-a-billion guy, and there aren't even close to a billion people in the US... well you do the math. David is actually my favorite male name, but it's not going to happen. I did promise Dave however, that if we ever have a boy ON Dave's birthday, then we will name that boy David (Dave's dad got his name this way). Now in case you forgot, David will be Carson's middle name; we reached a compromise. And just because I don't want David as a first name, I will let Dave have free reign with ALL the middle names.... Bordelga, Herkamer, Hazermaveth (I have actually HEARD him say all these names)
Just other little FYI's:
- I want to nurse.
- No, I don't know what to do about work. Dave and I desperatly want to stay out of debt, and since I work for an accountant and the baby is due at the beginning of the busy season, I will just bring him in to the office with me, and help my boss get through April 15th. (We have already talked about this). We have to make it through April 2009; any ingenious financial plans any of you know of that will help us get there??
- I am carrying the baby REALLY low. that is part of the reason I look so small. Ask me where my belly button is, and I will point it out to you, then you will realize how low he is.
- I can still sleep at night. I have really strange dreams and usually have to get up once to go potty, but that is about it.
- I would love a brown-eyed baby. (chances of that are REALLY slim)
- I knew Dave would be super excited to have a baby, but never did I know he would be as excited as he is... it is SO cute! I am one lucky girl.
5 days ago
Great post! I'm glad you did it. I have to echo some of your thoughts-- isn't it fun how excited our husbands are? I think it's so cute. I always knew he looked forward to it, but I'm glad he's as excited as I am. He is so happy to be a dad and it's fun to watch that enthusiasm.
I also like what you wrote about raising a child in this world. It is horribly daunting to think about it. I hope you don't mind me getting too philosophical, but I thought a lot about that at General Conference and felt so inspired by all the General Authorities' optimism for the future. I just got the overwhelming feeling that we CAN do this. We can be good mothers. We can raise up children who love and serve the Lord. If the prophet knew that we couldn't raise righteous children anymore because of this wicked world, then he would probably tell us. But they haven't. They reaffirmed that they want us to have families and bring them up righteously. I gain so much strength from knowing that if they have faith in us and our abilities-- I can be optimistic about it too.
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I'm so excited for you!
Even though I'm behind you ladies in preggers timeline, I have all the same fears. I hope I can do the right thing as a mom.
Mel, did you notice that Carson's initials are going to be CDC? Center of Disease Control--- I thought it was funny, but don't let it ruin the wonderful name.
I loved your post! You are going to be a great mom because a) you're compassionate and nurturing and b) you have faith in and rely on the Lord. I can definitely relate to your fears, though. The world can be a scary place. Good thing these babies have been saved for this particular time and are precious and strong.
I can't believe it's almost been a year since we left. It goes by quick, huh? I'm sure you've done a wonderful job :).
baby carson baby carson baby carson!!! AUNTIE JENN JENN <3's you!!!
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