So, I have been blog tagged again, but this one is a little different so hopefully I don't tell you the same things that I told you in the last one. And just for the record, I like being thought of, I don't mind being blog tagged one bit!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago......
1) playing punching bag to the love of my life :) (I know I have mentioned this before, but I love that Dave and I met playing dodgeball)
2) trying to perfect the art of make-up wearing- us girls were allowed to start wearing make-up when we were 13. I think I am further from perfecting that art now than I was then.
3) preparing to get my braces off after almost three years!!
4) learning to play volleyball, and realizing I was pretty good at it. I was the only 13 year old on a 16 year old club team.
5) waiting for others to GROW! I was my full grown 6 foot self at 13...
5 things on my to do list today......
1) straigten up my apartment
2) make some cookies (we will see about this one...)
3) take some pregnancy pictures and put them on a new blog (this is my biggest goal for the day)
4) update the ward directory
5) Learn the Farnsworths some there Bocce Ball (this is a shout out for MidCityGal)
5 songs I know the lyrics to.....
Before I even start this one, I have to tell you that I am REALLY bad at stuff like this. I think I know EVERY word to EVERY primary song, but other than that, I only know the chorus to a few songs. So, I am going to try really hard to do this one.
1) ALL of the Les Miserables music
2) ANY song in Beauty and the Beast and all the words for that matter. My now 18 year old brother would watch this movie and ONLY this movie time and time and time again when he was little. I didn't even WATCH it that much, but believe you me, I STILL know every word 15 years later.
3) This is sad, but that TubThumper Song, or whatever the name of it is (the one that goes, "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down" a million times over) Sad, I know!
4) Barbie Girl by Aqua - another stellar one
5) Come What May from Moulin Rouge - this is my FAVORITE on my list. My husband and I sang it at our rehearsal dinner before we got married.
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire.....
1) Take a trip to Australia
2) SAVE IT and INVEST WISELY! Okay, okay, fun things....
3) Go to the best renowned orthopedic knee specialist and have the best possible surgery with the latest and greatest techniques.
4) Buy all brand new things for baby Carson (including a car to fit our growing family a little better)
5) Give it to my parents
5 things I'll never wear again......
1) Leggings with a short shirt (good one Jenn)
2) Nylons if I can help it (I don't mind knee highs, or even thigh highs - which on me are knee highs anyway.)
3) Anything even CLOSE to the glasses I wore through grade school.
4) Big thick bangs - the kind that start half way back your head
5) Fingernail polish (although I do love it on my toes)
6) Braces
7) A corsette
8) Big Bows
9) My volleyball and basketball uniforms - sad
10) High Tops
oh just 5 things... whoops!
5 favorite toys.......
1) My handsome husband
2) My cell phone
3) The baby stuff I just got
4) Kitchen utensils
5) My volleyball
5 lucky people who get to do this next...... ( If you want)
1) Joanna
2) Ambo
3) Melarie
4) MidCityGal
5) NATE & JULIE!!!
1 week ago
So Thanks for humoring me and doing this;-) that was super super nice of you. This was a pretty easy fun one. Not long and extensive and hard to think of things to put...that is why I did this one;-)
I love the name Carson! Good pick; you totally have to post a preggers pict for all of us who don't live (or get to see you weekly) in Provo anymore. :)
Melanie, loved the cute tidbits about you! Les Mis songs do rock and I love that music. Get those cute preggo pictures downloaded so we can see your progress! It's so fun, hope that you're feeling well and not too sick.
Thanks, Mel for inviting me to do this. Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good these days. It's kind of fun to be pregnant. During the first trimester, I didn't understand how people truly wanted to have more than one child. Now, I can understand. It's really exciting. I can definitely see why some people like being pregnant. I like feeling her kick and I kind of like that I'm starting to show, it's really fun. How 'bout you? I hope you're feeling better. Are you still working? What's your plan after the little one comes? It's so fun that we're doing this at the same time.
Hey Melanie, I love your blog and I'm very excited that you're expecting a boy! I love the name Carson, too. I'm sorry you were so sick, though. Also, you were 6 feet tall at 13? That's pretty cool :).
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