I am sorry it's been a while since I have posted anything substantial. No excuses :). As I reflect on what has gone on there isn't anything too terribly exciting, but some things worth mentioning I suppose.
First, Carson FINALLY cut his second tooth today.
He has one big old tooth poking through. He got it a month ago, and it's taken a while for the second to follow suit.
Second, I want to tell you a story...
It all began two Sunday's ago (the 20th). I was sitting in Sunday school when the room started to spin a little. Thinking it was just hot because of all of the bodies packed into one little space, I put my head down hoping that would help. When I did so, I had the urge to throw up. Thinking that sounded worse than passing out, I decided to stay upright and see if I couldn't get myself under control. I battled my nausea and dizzy spell for a while before deciding I wasn't getting anywhere. At that point, I thought it might be a good idea to go sit in the mother's lounge and put my feet up. That didn't help either. After a few near-falls, and increasing nausea, I decided to go home. Since I was unsteady on my feet, I had Dave come with me. The minute I got home, I started vomiting violently and repeatedly. There was only one thing going through my brain at that point..."uh oh, I am pregnant". I sent Dave to ShopKo for a pregnancy test while I white-knuckle gripped the face of the porcelain goddess. When he got back, I took the test, and it read negative...phew. Don't get me wrong folks, I would love lots of kids, but I am NOT ready to be pregnant again quite yet. My condition worsened and Dave and I decided to head into the ER. After some moaning, groaning, vomiting, and even a few tears, we made it. The doctor told me after all of this that I had a bad case of vertigo. Um, isn't Vertigo just a quirky Alfred Hitchcock film?! Nope, it's an incredible uncomfortable condition that makes pregnancy seem like a cake-walk. I was sick for a few days but now I just struggle on occasion when I turn my head too quickly, or "do too much" throughout the day. I do need to mention that Dave was FANTASTIC while I was sick. He cooked, cleaned, took care of the baby and me, and did it all with a smile on his face.
Third, I will explain the stinging nettle.
I really wasn't a very big deal, just kind of annoying. On Pioneer Day, we went hiking with some good friends in our ward. We strapped our babies to our chests, and hiked up to Stewart Falls from Sundance. That path is notorious for stinging nettle so I did a great job of avoiding it while on the hike. When we made it to the falls, I was sitting on a big rock that was natures perfect chair, when I had an uncomfortable burning itch start creeping up my leg. As it turned out, there was a bush of stinging nettle poking out from under a rock wiping itself back and forth across my lower leg. The discomfort didn't last all that long; it actually went away pretty quickly. The next day however, it was way worse than the day before. I even had a goofy little rash. When I say was worse on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being a sliver, 10 being natural childbirth, it went from a 2 to a three. So really, no biggie - just annoying, kind of like a mosquito bite.
And last...
I have made some fun new friends lately. It is always such a great experience learning more and more about people. Now, that doesn't change the fact that we really miss our friends that have moved away. Could you come back please... pretty please...
20 hours ago